Assessments in Higher Education – reduce the Drop-out Rate:

Students today are the future leaders of tomorrow’s workplace. Research shows that by 2020, 80% of the workforce will be made up of millennials/Generation Y (born between 1980-2000) and with Generation Z (born after 2000) hard on their heels.

To ensure students are making the right career decisions when applying to organisations it is imperative for them to understand early on what they can do, what they want to do, as well as their level of learned skill.

By giving students access to psychometric assessments while at school or university, students can build familiarity with the assessments and reduce any later stress and anxiety that might be associated with completing these tests as part of a critical job application.

Moreover, insights gained from the assessments can help students understand what degree courses they should apply for, based on their preferences, motivations, ability, and skills. This will reduce the drop-out rates of students on degree courses and increase student satisfaction, which are some of the factors that help Universities achieve a high comparative ranking (and good ‘likes’ in social media, a key University recruiting ground).

The benefits:

Drop-out rates:

Data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency last year revealed increasing dropout rates for Universities. Although there is significant variation in university performance on retention, rates have been as high as 18.9% of young first degree entrants failing to stay on beyond year one. This is a problem for both the University, with course planning, resources and a P&L account to take care of; and for the students who may become disenchanted adults. A lot of this wastage can be rectified by early identification of skills and behavioural issues using SHL and Kenexa psychometric and skills tests and the resources applied where most needed.


  • Spot the bright candidates: our SHL and Kenexa cognitive tests will pick out those students who have the capacity to shine despite indications from academic results

  • Identify early on in the process any deficits in language, maths or other basic skills

  • Concentrate interviewing time and effort on students who need it

Careers & Employability:

  • Help guide students in their job applications on graduation.

  • Increase your organisation’s performance by helping your student focus on their real skills, aptitude and career path

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